Hyperdimensional Scenario Planning Technique

Kan Yuenyong
24 min readFeb 17, 2023


This week, we will discuss the hyperdimensional scenario planning technique, which is the most complex and challenging scenario planning technique we have ever discussed. Unfortunately, it will also be our final update on the experiment of scenario planning technique and trend scanning, as we’ve already accumulated all the possible techniques that can be used. We’ll stop distributing the scenario planning output until we can fully automate the technique with AI. Although this experiment is strictly under the human supervision, please note that it is still in the development phase and should not be cited in public.

Figure 1: 8 octants, 3D cartesian scenario technique

Over the past three weeks, we asked the AI to identify two deep drivers to generate four quadrant scenarios. The two drivers, which will be the vertical and horizontal axes used to identify the four quadrants, remained the same throughout the experiment. These drivers were the technological dimension and geopolitical dimension.

Last week, we asked the AI to identify them as convergent science and dignity dialectic, which seems to have a deeper concept and reflect qualitative abstract. However, it did not produce anything new. This may be due to two reasons: 1) the trend scanning we conducted has identified the genuine and profound change of the era as stated from driving forces, and it may take years or even a decade to resolve them, or 2) the technique has its limitations, and without addressing different deep-diving forces, it will not make any significant differences. Although we can identify new driving forces, the nature of inductive techniques will eventually produce similar categories.

Therefore, this week we will try to enhance the driving forces into more than two and see how it can produce scenarios that work.

Figure 2: The Trend scanning for this week

Processes in Hyperdimensional Scenario Planning Technique

Initially, we asked the AI to identify two deep driving forces for the latest weekly trend scanning. It identified politics and security, as well as economics. However, it later changed to the following:

  1. Technological advancement and innovation: The rapid development of technology is driving change and disrupting various industries. This can be seen in headlines related to microchip moguls, quantum technology, and killer drones. Technological advancements can also lead to new security concerns, which may explain the focus on cybersecurity and the counter-ransomware task force.
  2. Globalization and geopolitical shifts: The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and geopolitical power is shifting, which can be seen in headlines related to Ukraine, China, Japan, and Korea. Globalization can also have economic implications, which may explain the focus on Binance, SEC reviews, and Google ads. Additionally, globalization can lead to environmental concerns, as seen in headlines related to climate impact and pollution.

Therefore, fundamentally, it will not be different from the previous three weeks. Next, we’ve noticed the recent discussions about US fighter planes shooting down unidentified flying objects, which many people have identified as UFOs from extraterrestrial beings. President Biden released a press statement outright denying that they were UFOs, even though the intelligence communities could not identify the nationalities of the objects. This has led us to investigate several of the CIA’s Special Access Programs (SAPs), including research on UFOs, mind control programs, and psychics, particularly during the Cold War.

The main reason for allowing highly classified and secretive SAPs is generally related to national security concerns. These programs may involve researching and developing new technologies, conducting covert operations, or gathering intelligence in ways that are not publicly acknowledged. The motivation behind these programs is often related to gaining a strategic advantage over other nations or threats to national security.

For example, the development of advanced military technology, such as stealth aircraft or unmanned drones, may be seen as critical to maintaining a military advantage over other nations. Similarly, gathering intelligence through covert means, such as the use of undercover operatives or electronic surveillance, may be seen as necessary to identify and mitigate potential threats to national security.

Paranormal Researches

The interest in paranormal and unexplained phenomena, including psychic abilities and mind control, during the 1970s and 1980s was part of a larger cultural trend that included the popularity of “New Age” and Eastern spiritual practices and beliefs. This trend was characterized by an interest in holistic health, meditation, yoga, and other practices often associated with non-Western cultures.

Figure 3: Paranormal Research has less stricken in scientific causal mechanism as well as more simplistic view compared to general basic and applied researches

In some cases, the interest in these practices and beliefs was driven by a desire to explore alternative approaches to health and well-being and to find spiritual meaning in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex world. This interest was reflected in popular culture, with movies, books, and music that drew on these themes.

The interest in these practices and beliefs also intersected with government research into paranormal phenomena, such as the US military’s exploration of psychic abilities and mind control. Some researchers working on these projects were interested in exploring the potential of these phenomena to improve the performance of soldiers and intelligence operatives and may have drawn on ideas from Eastern spiritual practices or other non-Western traditions.

However, it is important to note that the government’s interest in these phenomena was not solely driven by the cultural trends of the time. Rather, it was part of a larger effort to gain a strategic advantage over other nations and to develop new technologies and approaches to intelligence gathering and warfare. The use of SAPs to explore paranormal phenomena was highly classified, and the full extent of the government’s research in this area remains unknown.

8 and 16 Dimensional Scenario Technique

We will see that the driving forces behind the use of paranormal research by intelligence communities have not changed much from the past. We have identified three such forces, namely 1) national security concerns, 2) Cold War competition, and 3) technological innovation. We have asked the AI to generate 8 octants for 3D Cartesian scenario planning. These 8 scenarios are as follows:

  1. Minimal Interest” — Intelligence community has little interest in paranormal research.
  2. Strategic Advantage” — Intelligence community uses paranormal research to gain a strategic edge.
  3. Technological Exploration” — Intelligence community seeks new technology through paranormal research.
  4. Paranormal Arms Race” — Intelligence community sees paranormal research as part of Cold War competition.
  5. Paranormal Threats” — Intelligence community focuses on mitigating security risks posed by paranormal phenomena.
  6. High-Risk Innovation” — Intelligence community pursues paranormal research for potential high rewards.
  7. Technological Arms Race” — Intelligence community seeks technological superiority through paranormal research.
  8. Paranormal as Distraction” — Intelligence community uses paranormal research as a diversion tactic.
Figure 4: 8 dimensional (3 driving forces) and 16 dimensional (4 driving forces) scenarios

The scenario in each octant varies according to the three variables mentioned above or 2³. Each variable will have a binary value of 0 (non-existent) or 1 (fully exist). These binary attributes can be displayed in matrix format, while the possible variables within the 0 to 1 range or the continuous value can be displayed in 3D Cartesian format (see figure 1 in this article). When we add the fourth driving force, which is the concern for climate change and environmental degradation, it produces a 16-dimensional scenario, or 2⁴. This scenario can only be demonstrated in matrix format and is difficult to visualize (see figure 4 above and the video below).

Although it’s difficult to visualize four-dimensional space and beyond in the 2D space such as computer screen and paper, advanced mathematical concepts can be utilized to study such higher-dimensional spaces. Linear algebra is one such concept, dealing with vector spaces, linear transformations, and systems of linear equations. It forms the foundation for understanding many concepts in higher-dimensional geometry, including coordinate systems and transformations. Topology is another mathematical concept that studies the properties of spaces preserved under continuous transformations. It is used to study the properties of shapes and spaces in higher dimensions. Differential geometry is another branch of mathematics that deals with the study of curved spaces and provides a framework for understanding how objects move and deform in higher-dimensional spaces. Algebraic geometry is also used in the study of higher-dimensional spaces to describe geometric shapes in terms of algebraic equations. A solid foundation in these and other advanced mathematical concepts is necessary to work with and understand four-dimensional space.

Theoretically, we can generate a hyperdimensional scenario with 2^n dimensions, where each of the n driving forces has a binary value, and it can be expressed in a matrix format.

We asked the AI to add two more driving forces, which it identified as Economic Competition and Demographic Changes. Economic Competition refers to the increasing competition for resources, trade, and investment opportunities as the global economy becomes more integrated. Demographic Changes, on the other hand, include factors such as population growth, aging populations, and migration, which can have significant impacts on a country’s security and economic interests, as well as its ability to compete globally. By combining these two new driving forces with the previous four, we arrive at a total of six driving forces. This results in a 64-dimensional scenario, which can be generated by taking 2⁶.

The I-Ching Hexagram

Now, we can observe that the 6 factors, or 2⁶ = 64-dimensional scenario is analogous to the formation of an I-Ching hexagram, which consists of two upper and lower trigrams combined to form 64 unique forms.

Figure 5: The I-Ching’s 64 Hexagrams: Source

The use of six lines in the I-Ching to represent the forces of yin and yang has a long history steeped in Chinese philosophy and culture. The number six is considered significant in Chinese culture and has been associated with balance and harmony for thousands of years.

The six lines in the I-Ching represent the six stages of change associated with the cyclical movement of yin and yang. The combination of these lines creates 64 different hexagrams, each symbolizing a unique aspect of life, such as relationships, work, and health.

The use of six lines in the I-Ching was likely influenced by the Taoist philosophy of yin and yang, which views the universe as made up of complementary forces in a constant state of interaction and change. This idea of balance and interaction between complementary forces is central to the I-Ching and reflected in the use of the six lines to represent yin and yang. While it is unclear why the I-Ching specifically uses six lines, it likely reflects the historical and cultural significance of the number six in Chinese philosophy and culture and the idea of balance and interaction between complementary forces.

In the context of the I-Ching, the six stages of change refer to the six lines in a hexagram that represent the progression of change over time. These six stages typically represent the following:

  • Initial situation, 始 (shǐ): This stage represents the starting point of a change and the underlying conditions that will shape its outcome.
  • Development of the situation, 进 (jìn): This stage represents the beginning of the change process and the initial steps taken to bring about the change.
  • Clarification of the situation, 明 (míng): This stage represents the point at which the change process becomes clearer and more defined.
  • Consolidation of the situation, 定 (dìng): This stage represents the point at which the change process becomes more stable and begins to take shape.
  • Further development of the situation, 再 (zài): This stage represents the point at which the change process continues to unfold and become more established.
  • Final outcome, 成 (chéng): This stage represents the conclusion of the change process and the final outcome that results from the interaction of the forces involved.

The interpretation of these six stages of change can vary depending on the context and the specific situation being considered, but they generally represent a progression from initial conditions to a final outcome resulting from the interaction of complementary forces.

The interpretation in the I-Ching is very complicated. For example, hexagram 64 in the I-Ching is named 未濟 (wèi jì), which is commonly translated as “Not Yet Fording”, “Before Completion”, or “Not Yet Completed”. The hexagram is comprised of two trigrams, with the inner (lower) trigram being ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水) water, and the outer (upper) trigram being ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火) fire. The binary values of 0 and 1 to each stage of change in the hexagram of wèi jì will be as follows: 始 = 0, 进 = 1, 明 = 0, 定 = 1, 再 = 0, 成 = 1. This indicates a particular pattern of change. The sequence of binary values represents a specific progression through the six stages of change. In this particular case, the sequence of 0s and 1s could be interpreted as alternating stages of stability and change. For example, the initial stage of change (始) is characterized by stability (represented by the value 0), followed by a stage of development (进) that brings about change (represented by the value 1). This pattern repeats with periods of clarification (明) and consolidation (定) representing stability (0), followed by stages of further development (再) and the final outcome (成) representing change (1).

The hexagram 64, “Not Yet Fording”, may have different meanings depending on the context and the specific question that was asked. However, in general, this hexagram can be interpreted as indicating that a process of change or transformation is underway, but it is not yet complete, and there is still some way to go before the desired outcome is reached. Receiving Hexagram 64 can suggest that a person is facing challenges and obstacles, but they have the potential to overcome them and achieve their goals. It can also be interpreted as a reminder to be patient and to keep working towards their objectives, even if the desired outcome is not yet in sight.

In the context of decision making, Hexagram 64 can indicate that a person needs to take a step back and reassess their situation before making a decision. It can also suggest that a person needs to consider all the factors involved in a situation before making a move, as the outcome is not yet clear, and there is still much to be determined.

This is different from hexagram 1, 乾 (qián), “Force” or “The Creative”, which represents the beginning of a new cycle and the birth of new ideas and initiatives. It is associated with strength, creativity, and the potential to bring about change. It is also different from hexagram 2, 坤 (kūn), “The Receptive” or “The Responding”, which represents a state of receptive stillness and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. It symbolizes the feminine principle of yielding and being open to receiving new ideas and influences.

Therefore, “Not Yet Fording” or “Before Completion” can be seen as an ending in the sense that it marks the end of a particular process or cycle, even though the full outcome of that process has not yet been realized in the physical world. The inner process has completed, and the necessary changes have been made, but the outer form may still need further transformation before the completion of the overall process can be fully realized.

I-Ching and Complexity Science

The complexity inherent in offering a comprehensive elucidation of all 64 scenarios and it’s unnecessary as, in I-Ching, each hexagram stands as a symbol of enduring transformation. Despite the illusion of stasis that characterizes the present moment, it is in fact imbued with ceaseless change and mutability. Thus, the sage asserts that the fluidity of the present moment begets a sense of tranquility amidst the unceasing cadence of transformation.

In complex systems and global systems under complexity theory, we cannot precisely predict or study in both deductive and inductive methods. The movement of a double pendulum yields different results each time, and the patterns of COVID outbreaks in each country are not the same. However, we can use computer models to study and gain understanding of the patterns of complex systems. Double pendulum’s movement embeds deterministic, but not probabilistic comprehension with strong sensitivity to initial conditions. Source: Nafziger’s blog

Consequently, I-Ching is not a tool for prophesying the future. Rather, it serves to enlighten us on our present circumstances and the potential ramifications of our choices. Hence, it’s a pathway to comprehending the vicissitudes of change with open mind and heart in both inner state of mind and outer realities.

Natural harmonious adaptation with nature is possible through an acceptance on the inevitability of its flows and forms, focusing on functionality, competence, flexibility, and spontaneity. We must find a natural mix of conflicting “truths” and “uncertainties,” discovering personal freedom without harm to others or excesses of self-interest. This way, we can experience the fullness of living on an Earth of such diversity in multiple dimensions, while demanding integrative and open systems to ensure sustainable coexistence for generations to come. Only with this mental model, individuals are capable of integrating various ideas and perspectives together, seeing the interconnectedness of the world, mind, and spirit. They recognize the continuous process of change in life and are able to respond to it spontaneously and naturally, much like a flowing river. They will have a strong belief in the power of intellect and their own inner abilities, which they see as more important than external sources of power, fortune, or praise. They are able to live life smoothly, adapting to changes and challenges with ease.

It is a wise companion when navigating the ever-changing currents of life, offering profound insights into the dynamics of change and the interconnected nature of all things, including complex systems that exist in natural settings. To cultivate wisdom in the face of change, one must first grasp the situation at hand with an open and unbiased mind, which requires tireless practice. This is achieved not through using the I-Ching as a fortune-telling tool since it’s dangerous by oversimplifying the complex nature of the book and reducing it to a binary “yes” or “no” answer, but through one’s own capability of self-assessment and assessment of the surrounding environment. This approach can lead to misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the guidance that the I-Ching is trying to provide. Only by seeing things as they truly are, without the distortions of personal bias or preconceptions, can we hope to navigate the complexities of life with clarity and insight.

Drawing on the tools of scientific interpretation, practitioners of Flex/Flow and complexity science can gain a deeper understanding of the changing situations we face, identifying patterns and underlying dynamics that may not be immediately apparent. The I-Ching, for millenia, a venerable source of wisdom and insight, can be a powerful ally in this journey of self-discovery and growth.

咸 (Hsien)

Therefore, we have asked the AI to match the 64-dimensional I-Ching to the 64 hexagrams and use the six deep driving forces as each line of the hexagram. We asked the AI to randomly pick one hexagram, and it selected number 31 (咸, Hsien). which can be interpreted in several meanings such as “Conjoining”, or “Influence (Wooing)”, “Feelings”, “Being Affected”, and “Reciprocity”. This hexagram comprises the lower trigram ☶ (艮 gèn), which symbolizes a mountain, and the upper trigram ☱ (兌 duì), representing a swamp. If we consider the first line to be at the bottom and interpret the full line as 1 and the broken line as 0, then the binary value of Hexagram 31 (Hsien) with the first, second and sixth lines broken and the rest full would be 001110, or 14 in decimal notation. We can interpret it with binary values for each line as follows, from bottom up to top order:

• 1st line (Heaven) = 0: National security concerns are not high.
• 2nd line (Lake) = 0: There is no significant cold war competition.
• 3rd line (Fire) = 1: There is significant technological innovation.
• 4th line (Thunder) = 1: Pursuing economic advantage.
• 5th line (Wind) = 1: Facing significant environmental threats.
• 6th line (Water) = 0: Limited global cooperation, no population problem.

The core idea behind Hsien is that of attraction and influence. It suggests that one can achieve success by using one’s personal magnetism and charm to attract and win over others. However, it is important to use this power wisely and with consideration for others, rather than manipulating or exploiting them.

Hsien also emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in relationships. It suggests that mutual respect, understanding, and compromise are key to maintaining positive relationships and achieving success in partnerships, whether romantic, professional, or social.

Overall, Hsien can be seen as a reminder to be mindful of the impact we have on others, and to use our influence and charisma in a positive and ethical way. By balancing our own needs and desires with those of others, we can create mutually beneficial relationships and achieve success in our endeavors.

According to the general situation under Hsien, in this hexagram, fire and water are in balance, symbolizing a harmonious relationship between opposing forces. It represents a time of great opportunity for progress and success, as long as one is able to maintain balance and avoid extremes.

In the context of our scenario, this hexagram suggests that there is a delicate balance between the various factors at play. National security concerns are being carefully managed, while the new cold war competition is being used as a driving force for innovation in technology. Environmental threats are being taken seriously and addressed through collaborative efforts, while the need for strategic alliances is recognized and being pursued.

The innovative weaponry and technological race factors are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, but there is also a recognition that these advances need to be used responsibly and in the service of the greater good. Quantum computing, AI, and blockchain innovations are being used to create new solutions to the challenges we face, but there is also a recognition of the potential risks and ethical considerations involved.

In Hsien, overall situation is one of great potential and opportunity, but also one that requires careful balance and management to avoid tipping into extremes or unintended consequences.

The Final Scenario Outcome

In the final stage of our scenario planning experiment, in order to getting better understand of the generated scenario, we asked the AI to generate 10 different individuals who would be living in the world of “Hsien” in 2030. We then had them participate in a scenario workshop in Bangkok. Here are the details of each individual:

  1. Peter, a software engineer in New York

Peter, a mid-30s New Yorker, was working as a software engineer for a major tech company. As the year 2030 approached, the world was in a state of rapid change. Climate change had become an even greater threat, leading to a series of devastating natural disasters that had affected many parts of the world. However, in the face of this crisis, nations had come together to tackle the issue through collaboration and cooperation.

In this new world, Peter found himself working on cutting-edge technology that could help mitigate the effects of climate change. His company had partnered with firms from around the globe to create innovative solutions that could transform the way energy was generated, stored, and distributed.

As a result of these efforts, Peter was constantly traveling to different parts of the world, from Europe to Asia, to work with his colleagues on these vital projects. It was a challenging and exciting time, and Peter was proud to be part of such an important mission.

But the work was also demanding, and Peter struggled to balance his career with his personal life. He had recently started a family, and it was hard to be away from his wife and young child for long periods of time. However, the sense of purpose he derived from his work made it all worthwhile.

As the years went on, Peter continued to make significant contributions to the development of new technologies that helped combat climate change. He knew that there was still a long way to go, but he was optimistic about the future, knowing that he was part of a global effort to build a better, more sustainable world for future generations.

2. Jane, a mid-30s venture capitalist and philanthropist living in New York

Jane was a mid-30s venture capitalist and philanthropist living in New York City. She had always been passionate about using her wealth and resources to make a positive impact on the world, and had built a successful career investing in companies that aligned with her values.

In the year 2030, the world had entered a new era of cooperation and collaboration, driven by the urgent need to address the global climate crisis. The Hsien scenario had become a reality, and the world was experiencing a new level of interconnectedness and interdependence.

For Jane, this presented an incredible opportunity. As a venture capitalist, she was able to invest in companies that were working on cutting-edge solutions to the world’s most pressing problems, from carbon capture and storage to sustainable agriculture and renewable energy.

But she was also deeply committed to using her resources to support grassroots movements and community-driven initiatives. In the Hsien scenario, she saw a world where philanthropy and impact investing were no longer separate pursuits, but were integrated into a broader vision of systemic change.

Jane spent her days meeting with founders and entrepreneurs, hearing their stories and assessing their potential for impact. She also spent time traveling to communities around the world, meeting with local leaders and organizations and learning about the challenges they faced.

As the world continued to evolve, Jane remained dedicated to her mission of creating a more just, sustainable, and equitable future. She knew that the Hsien scenario was not without its challenges and complexities, but she was excited to be a part of a global movement that was working towards a better world for all.

3. Yoko, an artist in Tokyo

Yoko was a successful artist in Tokyo, known for her innovative use of technology in her work. She had just turned 40 and was feeling a sense of restlessness, wanting to push the boundaries of her art even further.

In the year 2030, Yoko found herself living in the Hsien scenario, where the world had come together in a global effort to combat climate change. The use of advanced technology had led to unprecedented advancements in renewable energy and sustainable living, creating a world that was more interconnected than ever before.

For Yoko, this scenario provided a wealth of new opportunities for her art. She began incorporating recycled materials and renewable energy into her pieces, drawing inspiration from the natural world around her. She also began collaborating with other artists from around the world, exchanging ideas and pushing each other to new heights.

As Yoko’s art gained more attention, she became a vocal advocate for sustainability and the environment. She used her platform to encourage others to make changes in their own lives and support the global efforts to combat climate change.

Living in the Hsien scenario had given Yoko a sense of purpose and direction in her life. She felt that she was part of something larger than herself, working towards a better world for all. As she looked towards the future, she was excited to see what new opportunities and challenges this scenario would bring, and was determined to continue using her art to make a positive impact on the world.

4. Maria, a Ukrainian citizen in Kyiv

Maria was a Ukrainian citizen living in Kyiv during the years of the war between Ukraine and Russia. She witnessed the brutalities and chaos that ensued as the conflict escalated and almost reached the point of a world war. She lost her job as a teacher, and life became difficult as basic necessities like food and water became scarce.

But suddenly, something changed. The war seemed to calm and freeze, with a sense of uneasy peace settling in the region. While there was still a risk of escalation, the situation was much better than the previous year. Maria couldn’t understand what had happened, but it seemed like the world’s attention had shifted, and the two sides had reached a stalemate.

In the years that followed, Maria reflected on the war and its aftermath. She realized that while the war had brought much pain and suffering, it had also brought Ukrainians together in ways she never thought possible. The war had sparked a wave of solidarity and patriotism among Ukrainians, and Maria saw people coming together to help one another in various ways.

Despite the challenges, Maria was proud of her country and its resilience. She hoped that the uneasy peace would eventually lead to a more lasting resolution of the conflict, but she knew that it would take time and effort from all sides. For now, she was grateful for the relative calm and the sense of hope that it brought to her and her fellow Ukrainians.

5. Ahmed, a Syrian refugee in Europe

Ahmed, a Syrian refugee in Europe: Ahmed is a young Syrian man who fled his war-torn country and migrated to Europe seeking a better life. He left behind his family and friends and embarked on a perilous journey to escape the violence and chaos. After facing numerous challenges, he finally arrived in Europe and settled in a new country where he works hard to integrate into the society and make a new life for himself. However, he still worries about the fate of his loved ones back home and hopes that one day peace will be restored in Syria.

6. Ann, a scientist in South Africa

Maria, a scientist in South Africa: Maria is a brilliant young scientist who works in a research lab in South America. She is passionate about finding solutions to the world’s most pressing problems, such as climate change and food security. She spends long hours in the lab, conducting experiments and analyzing data, and is always on the lookout for new breakthroughs. Despite facing funding challenges and limited resources, she remains optimistic and committed to her work, believing that science can make a difference in the world.

7. Linda, an NGOs in Nigeria

Linda is a young woman in her early 20s living in Lagos, Nigeria. She has always been interested in environmental conservation and has spent the last few years working with a local NGO to protect the local ecosystem. In 2030, she has become an activist in the movement for sustainable development in Nigeria, promoting renewable energy and environmentally friendly policies. With the international community increasingly focused on combatting climate change, she sees an opportunity for Nigeria to take a leadership role in Africa by transitioning to clean energy and sustainable practices. However, she also recognizes the challenges facing her country, including corruption, political instability, and the lingering effects of colonialism.

8. Zhang, a senior executive of a major Chinese tech company in China

Zhang is a middle-aged man living in Beijing, China. He has worked in the tech industry for most of his career, and in 2030, he is a senior executive at a major Chinese tech company. He has been following the growing tension between China and the United States, and worries that it could lead to a new Cold War. However, he also sees an opportunity for China to lead in the development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and blockchain. He is involved in several initiatives aimed at promoting innovation in China, and hopes that the country can become a global leader in the tech industry. At the same time, he recognizes the challenges facing China, including the need to balance economic growth with environmental concerns, and the ongoing tension with Taiwan.

9. Rajesh, a farmer in India

Rajesh was a farmer in the rural outskirts of Hyderabad. He had inherited his farm from his father, and it had been in their family for generations. Rajesh had always been passionate about sustainable farming practices, and he was proud of the fact that his farm was fully organic. However, in recent years, the weather patterns had become increasingly unpredictable, and the monsoons had become more erratic. Rajesh had to work harder to maintain his crops, and the yields were lower than in the past. He had heard about the global effort to combat climate change, and he was hopeful that something could be done to save his farm and his way of life. He had joined a local farming collective that was experimenting with new techniques to mitigate the effects of climate change, and he was optimistic about the future.

10. Ana, an environmental activist in Brazil

Ana was an environmental activist in Brazil, and she had been fighting to protect the Amazon rainforest from deforestation and exploitation for many years. She had witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of climate change on the region, including increased droughts and fires, and she knew that urgent action was needed to prevent further damage. Ana had formed a grassroots organization that worked to raise awareness about the importance of the rainforest and the need to protect it for future generations. She had also lobbied the government to pass stronger environmental regulations and to crack down on illegal logging and mining. Despite facing threats and harassment from powerful business interests, Ana remained committed to her cause and was determined to make a difference.

The Bangkok Dialogue

The scenario workshop in Bangkok had brought together people from various parts of the world to discuss the future of Hsien scenario. The conference hall was bustling with people, each eagerly waiting to present their ideas and share their experiences.

Jane, the venture capitalist from New York, was one of the first to speak. “In the last decade, we’ve seen a shift towards a more collaborative world. People are beginning to realize that we’re all in this together, and we need to work towards a common goal. This scenario presents us with an opportunity to focus on long-term sustainability, rather than short-term gains.”

Yoko, the artist from Tokyo, nodded in agreement. “I think the arts will play a crucial role in this scenario. As an artist, it is my responsibility to use my platform to spread awareness and create a sense of community. Art has the power to inspire people, and I believe that it will be instrumental in bringing about positive change.”

The Ukrainian citizen spoke up next. “I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of conflict. It’s heartening to see that we’re moving towards a more peaceful world. However, we need to remain vigilant and not let our guard down. There is always a risk of escalation, and we need to ensure that we’re prepared to deal with any future threats.”

The individual from Nigeria shared their thoughts on the scenario. “As a developing country, we face unique challenges. Climate change, poverty, and social inequality are issues that we need to address. However, with collaboration and investment in education and technology, we can overcome these challenges and create a more sustainable future.”

The participant from China added, “I think that the rise of technology will be instrumental in this scenario. We need to focus on innovation and research to find sustainable solutions to our problems. Additionally, we need to foster a culture of openness and collaboration to ensure that everyone has access to these solutions.”

The individual from India and South Africa expressed their views, highlighting the importance of education, social justice, and sustainable development.

As the discussion drew to a close, the participants agreed that the Hsien scenario presented a unique opportunity to build a better future. Collaboration, innovation, and sustainability were identified as key areas that needed to be focused on to create a more equitable and prosperous world.

The Resolution

Finally, the AI has the participants in the workshop to submit the resolution to the UN. The statements is as follow:

As participants of the Hsien scenario workshop held in Bangkok in 2030, we urge the United Nations to take immediate action to address the global environmental crisis and the risk of nuclear war.

We recognize that the current geopolitical landscape is increasingly characterized by competition and rivalry among major powers, but we believe that there is a pressing need for collaboration and cooperation to address the urgent challenges facing our planet.

In particular, we call on the UN to:

  1. Take bold action to mitigate the impacts of climate change and promote sustainable development, including by supporting the development and implementation of innovative technologies and practices that can help to reduce carbon emissions and protect our ecosystems.
  2. Strengthen global efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and to reduce the risk of nuclear conflict, by promoting dialogue, transparency, and confidence-building measures among nations and by supporting arms control and disarmament initiatives.
  3. Work to foster greater understanding, respect, and appreciation among nations and cultures, by promoting educational and cultural exchange programs, and by encouraging public dialogue and engagement on issues of global importance.

We believe that by working together in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, the international community can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and build a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world for future generations.


  • Initial interpretation of binary value of Hsien was error, it has been corrected into the value of 001110. If we consider the first line to be at the bottom and interpret the full line as 1 and the broken line as 0, then the binary value of Hexagram 31 (Hsien) with the first, second and sixth lines broken and the rest full would be 001110, or 14 in decimal notation.
  • Add a section of “I-Ching and Complexity Science”.



Kan Yuenyong
Kan Yuenyong

Written by Kan Yuenyong

A geopolitical strategist who lives where a fine narrow line amongst a collision of civilizations exists.

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