Exploring Shared Policy Aspects of Agenda 47 and Project 2025

Kan Yuenyong
6 min readJul 10, 2024


In recent political discourse, the emergence of Agenda 47 and Project 2025 has garnered significant attention, particularly regarding their shared policy aspects. Both initiatives reflect the broader conservative vision for the future of the United States, championing similar goals albeit through different emphases and presentation styles. This essay aims to analyze the overlapping policy areas between these two agendas and their implications for the political landscape.

Agenda 47, introduced by former President Donald Trump, encompasses a series of campaign promises and policy proposals aimed at revitalizing the United States through a blend of populist and conservative principles. On the other hand, Project 2025, orchestrated by a coalition of conservative groups led by the Heritage Foundation, provides a comprehensive blueprint for conservative governance, detailing specific policies and strategies for a future Republican administration. Despite the different scopes and approaches, both agendas exhibit a substantial overlap in several key policy areas.

One of the most prominent shared aspects is the emphasis on economic policies geared towards reducing taxes and deregulation. Agenda 47 underscores the continuation of the tax cuts initiated during Trump’s first term, aiming to further stimulate economic growth and incentivize business investments. Similarly, Project 2025 advocates for comprehensive tax reforms and regulatory rollbacks to enhance economic efficiency and competitiveness. Both agendas reflect a commitment to supply-side economics, emphasizing the belief that reduced government intervention can spur economic prosperity.

Another significant area of convergence is the approach to immigration and border security. Agenda 47 reiterates Trump’s focus on strengthening border security, building additional barriers, and implementing stricter immigration controls. Project 2025 aligns with this stance, proposing measures to enhance border enforcement and streamline the immigration system to prioritize merit-based entry. Both initiatives underscore the importance of safeguarding national borders and addressing illegal immigration as a means to ensure national security and economic stability.

Energy independence and environmental policies also feature prominently in both agendas. Agenda 47 advocates for the continued expansion of domestic energy production, reducing reliance on foreign oil, and promoting the use of fossil fuels. Project 2025 echoes this sentiment, calling for increased energy independence through the exploitation of domestic resources and the rollback of environmental regulations deemed restrictive to economic growth. This shared focus highlights a common conservative approach to energy policy, prioritizing economic benefits over environmental concerns.

In terms of foreign policy, both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 emphasize an “America First” approach. Agenda 47 calls for renegotiating trade deals to better serve American interests, reducing foreign aid, and strengthening military capabilities to deter adversaries. Project 2025 similarly advocates for a robust national defense, a reevaluation of international agreements, and a strategic focus on countering the influence of rival powers such as China and Russia. This alignment reflects a broader conservative vision of reasserting American sovereignty and prioritizing national interests in global affairs.

Additionally, both agendas share a commitment to conservative social values. Agenda 47 includes proposals to protect religious freedoms, uphold the right to life, and support traditional family structures. Project 2025 similarly emphasizes the protection of religious liberties, opposition to abortion, and the promotion of policies that reinforce traditional family values. These shared social policies underscore a commitment to preserving what is perceived as the moral and cultural foundations of American society.

Despite these overlapping policy areas, there are distinctions in the presentation and strategic focus of each agenda. Agenda 47, as a campaign tool, is designed to resonate with voters through clear, concise promises and a populist appeal. In contrast, Project 2025 offers a more detailed and structured approach, providing a comprehensive policy framework for a future conservative administration. This difference in approach reflects the unique roles each agenda plays within the broader conservative movement.

In conclusion, Agenda 47 and Project 2025 share substantial common ground in their policy objectives, reflecting a cohesive conservative vision for the future of the United States. The overlapping areas of economic policy, immigration, energy independence, foreign policy, and social values highlight the fundamental principles that underpin both agendas. While differences in presentation and strategic focus exist, the alignment between these two initiatives underscores a unified approach to conservative governance, aimed at revitalizing American society and reaffirming national sovereignty. As these agendas continue to shape political discourse, their shared policies will likely play a pivotal role in defining the direction of future conservative leadership.

Key Policy Areas and Implications of Project 2025 and Trump’s Agenda 47

Implement Supply-Side Economics, Small Government, and Cutting Welfare Programs:

Project 2025 promotes tax cuts and deregulation to stimulate economic growth by reducing barriers to production and investment, consistent with traditional supply-side economic policies​​. It emphasizes reducing the size of the federal government by proposing significant cuts to bureaucratic agencies and transferring responsibilities to state and local governments. A key part of this approach is reclassifying many federal workers as political appointees to ensure policy alignment​​. Furthermore, Project 2025 aims to reduce dependency on welfare programs by scaling back initiatives such as Medicaid and food stamps, encouraging self-sufficiency among citizens​.

Enact Counter-Wokeism and Restore Christian Values:

Both agendas seek to dismantle progressive policies related to gender identity, racial equity, and LGBTQ+ rights, effectively reversing what they view as left-wing cultural influences in federal policies and education systems​​. They promote policies aligning with traditional Christian values, such as anti-abortion measures, religious freedom protections, and support for traditional family structures​​.

Implement Hardcore Counter-Chinese Policy:

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 adopt aggressive measures to counter the influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They aim to reduce reliance on Chinese manufacturing, secure intellectual property, and leverage the trade deficit with China to negotiate more favorable trade deals. This could potentially involve abandoning the Most Favored Nation status and ramping up tariffs and export controls​​. Additionally, they advocate for a strategic application of the Monroe Doctrine, reducing involvement in conflicts like Ukraine by balancing regional powers, while focusing more intensively on countering China’s global influence​.

Implications of Foreign Policy:

Both Project 2025 and Agenda 47 reflect a shift from an idealistic and liberal rule-based international order towards a more realistic approach. They acknowledge the transition from a unipolar moment led by the US to a rising multipolar order involving the US, China, and Russia. This approach prioritizes American strategic interests and power balances over idealistic pursuits of global democracy​. Recognizing the changing geopolitical landscape, these policies propose a reduced role for the US in international institutions like NATO and the World Bank, asserting more autonomy and focusing on balancing power rather than leading unilaterally​.

Shifting Focus to Asia

Trump’s foreign policy under Project 2025 and Agenda 47 reflects a strategic shift towards Asia, particularly in preparation for long-term competition with China. This shift recognizes China as a primary strategic competitor in the region.

Hub-and-Spoke Architecture:
The US prefers a “hub-and-spoke” system for its alliances in Asia, involving bilateral alliances between the US and individual countries, with the US at the center. This system contrasts with the multilateral structure of NATO in Europe​. The US is constrained by historical, geographical, and political realities, making a NATO-like multilateral alliance structure less feasible in Asia. Instead, the US maintains flexibility and direct control over its alliances through bilateral agreements​​.

Restraining Provocative Actions:
A key aspect of this strategy involves restraining allies from taking provocative geopolitical actions that could destabilize the region. For instance, the US seeks to prevent South Korea from actions that might provoke North Korea, maintaining a stable yet cautious stance on the Korean Peninsula​​. Similarly, the US aims to manage Taiwan’s push for aggressive independence to avoid provoking China while ensuring that it can defend Taiwan if necessary, maintaining the status quo and preparing for military engagement if required​.

Preparing for Long-Term Contest with China
Preparing for a long-term strategic contest with China involves several key measures. Ensuring military readiness is crucial, with the US and its allies needing to be prepared to engage in conflict if necessary. This includes military support and strategic partnerships aimed at countering Chinese influence​. Additionally, leveraging economic tools such as trade policies and sanctions helps counter China’s economic influence and protect US interests. Diplomatic engagement through building coalitions and partnerships with other nations in the region is essential to balance China’s rise​​.



Kan Yuenyong

A geopolitical strategist who lives where a fine narrow line amongst a collision of civilizations exists.